2024-11-16 13:48:36 -06:00

97 lines
2.8 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <errno.h>
struct Exception {
const char *reason;
typedef struct Exception Exception;
struct ExceptFrame {
struct ExceptFrame *prev; // Exception Stack
jmp_buf env; // Enviroment Buffer
const char *file; // Exception File
int line; // Exception Line
const Exception *exception; // Exception Reason
typedef struct ExceptFrame ExceptFrame;
// Exception States
void except_raise(const Exception *e, const char *file,int line); // Raise exceptions
void hard_fail(const char* fmt, ...); // Errno and exit
// External declarations
extern ExceptFrame *except_stack; // Global exception stack
extern const Exception assert_failed; // Forward declaration for assert.
#undef ASSERT
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define ASSERT(e) ((void)0)
#define TEST(expr)
extern void assert(int e);
#define ASSERT(e) ((void)((e)||(RAISE(assert_failed),0)))
#define TEST(expr) \
do { \
if (expr) { \
printf(__DATE__" " __TIME__ " [%s@%d] " "\x1b[32m" "| PASSED | " "(%s)" "\x1b[0m \n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #expr); \
} else { \
printf(__DATE__" " __TIME__ " [%s@%d] " "\x1b[31m" "| FAILED | " "(%s)" "\x1b[0m \n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #expr); \
} \
} while (0)
// Raise an Exception.
#define RAISE(e) except_raise(&(e), __FILE__, __LINE__)
// Reraise the currect exception.
#define RERAISE except_raise(except_frame.exception, \
except_frame.file, except_frame.line)
// Switch to the previous exception frame and return.
#define RETURN switch (except_stack = except_stack->prev,0) default: return
// Start a try block.
#define TRY do { \
volatile int except_flag; \
ExceptFrame except_frame; \
except_frame.prev = except_stack; \
except_stack = &except_frame; \
except_flag = setjmp(except_frame.env); \
if (except_flag == EXCEPT_ENTERED) {
// Handle specific example.
#define EXCEPT(e) \
if (except_flag == EXCEPT_ENTERED) except_stack = except_stack->prev; \
} else if (except_frame.exception == &(e)) { \
except_flag = EXCEPT_HANDLED;
// Catch all other exceptions.
#define ELSE \
if (except_flag == EXCEPT_ENTERED) except_stack = except_stack->prev; \
} else { \
except_flag = EXCEPT_HANDLED;
// Execute finalization code.
#define FINALLY \
if (except_flag == EXCEPT_ENTERED) except_stack = except_stack->prev; \
} { \
if (except_flag == EXCEPT_ENTERED) \
except_flag = EXCEPT_FINALIZED;
// End Try block.
#define END_TRY \
if (except_flag == EXCEPT_ENTERED) except_stack = except_stack->prev; \
} if (except_flag == EXCEPT_RAISED) RERAISE; \
} while (0)